Women Who Draw Water From The Well For Others
Lo, are you Thirsty, Come to the Well…
I have a vision—a place where we as women gather to teach others how to draw water from their own well. We are all “Waterbearers”. Each of us have gifts that tend “soul”, gifts we long to share. Some of us have known about it for a long time. We’ve talked about it and laughed about it, but now, I SEE IT. I know it’s NAME.
WELL—a flow of water from the earth; natural spring and pool supply of water; a source of abundant supply; a fount.
From Seena Frost, founder of SoulCollage®:
For over two thousand years, the archetype of the LightBearer has been foremost in human spiritual life. Certainly, at any rate, this is true in our western world. The Greeks told the story of the mortal Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods and brought it back to humankind. There was Christ, who brought Light into a dark world, and Moses, who brought the light of law. Buddha brought the hope of enlightenment. The light symbol is also present in the Prophet of Islam. Each can be seen as an embodiment of the LightBearer archetype. These examples are, notably, all male. The absence of a powerful feminine archetype over the last few millenniums may well be one cause of the present imbalance in both our worldly and spiritual lives an imbalance that threatens the world and all its living populations.
I am certain that we live in a time when a feminine archetype is rising back into human consciousness, one that has been active and brooding deep in the world’s cosmic subconscious for eons. She is emerging and taking her place beside the male LightBearers not for the purpose of domination but, rather, balance. By adding her strong heart energy and compassionate waters to the light-giving wisdom of the male LightBearers, she restores to our spiritual lives a potent and missing metaphor. I call this archetype the WaterBearer.
This archetypal WaterBearer truly is rising! We are now in the astrological Age of Aquarius, and the traditional symbol of this age is the WaterBearer. This metaphorical Being is usually represented as a feminine archetype. No historical or even mythical characters leap to my mind as embodiments of her in western mythology or religion.
Waterbearer Cards
For several years now, I’ve been taken with empty water jars—or water jars filled with stagnant water. I’ve observed them and felt a tugging at my soul, but didn’t know why. I’ve taken scads of pictures of them, and even painted some of them. Then, last Winter, I made this SoulCollage® card.
I am the one who sees the empty pots.
I am the one who is saddened by all the dryness.
I am the one who knows that we give to others only what we have.
I am the one who is ancient, but I still have something to give…
I see the empty water pots, and I wonder…
Then, earlier this year, in a flurry of active imagination work, I came up with this drawing, and I call her “The Filling Station”.
I am the one who has been filled with living water.
I am the one who has dug the well,
Cleaned it out,
And waited to be filled,
And I am the one who has been filled.
I am the one who now waits to fill others.
Then, probably in May, I made this card.
I am the one who sees empty water pots.
I am the one who’s been on holy ground.
I am the one who’s been in the process of being filled.
I am the one who’s waited until now, and
I am the one with gifts to give.
It wasn’t until July of this year, after I got back from Los Gatos, and read from an old newsletter of Seena’s, that I knew this was my WaterBearer card. And I knew that the waterbearer archetype has been huge in my life.
Still didn’t put it all together until this last weekend…It started on Saturday, this brooding in my Spirit. Wouldn’t you know it!?!
Saturday was the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s, “I HAVE A DREAM” speech. And the Spirit kept brooding.
Yesterday I almost had a wreck on my way to church envisioning THE WELL.
Are you thirsty? Are you dry? Come to THE WELL.
This morning I have a dream, a place called THE WELL. I know so many women who have just been waiting, being filled, and now they’re waiting to give their gifts. They have water to share. We’ve been in a spiritual drought. The soul is dry and withered. We have water to share. Living water. Clean, pure, cool, WET water.
Now, all we need is a place to share what we have. I don’t have a clue, but I have a dream. I have a vision. It’s a seed. And this morning I plant it—here, now.
I have a vision:
Soul tending through massage
Soul tending through yoga
Soul tending through meditation, centering prayer, listening prayer
Soul tending through journaling
Soul tending through images
Ok. It’s planted. Now, let’s see what needs to happen to get this seed to grow.
Blessed be….
Sheila...I love how you dream...