I am the one who says to you, "LAUGH SHEILA! Get over yourself! Life is wonderful! LAUGH OUT LOUD!"
I attended a SoulCollage® class yesterday . I haven't done SoulCollage® for months! It's amazing how quickly I can forget how good something is for me. After taking my facilator's class last June, then holding a few classes, we had Mother's knee surgeries, I took my Sabbatical, and, well, time just got away from me. I meant to get back to it, I really did, but...well, you know how "important" other things just creep in. So, when I got the invite from Glenda Rice in Houston, I thought, "timing is everything! GO!"
And I'm so glad I did. And these lips and the spiral, and this wonderful photo of Hilary Clinton just blessed my socks off. This isn't about her politics--it's about her absolute gift of laughter! Raucus, gut bustin' laughter!
I live most of my life in the 4 room of the Enneagram--Ms. Melancholy, you know. Life is hard, and sad, and my story is so very, very important. It's so easy for me to frown, to be sad, to get angry, but laugh??? That's another story! My goodness, how much of my life I've lived in that tiny room. Mother and I have spoken often about how "serious" life was supposed to be. She was often told it wasn't "lady like" to laugh out loud. And I didn't have a pretty smile, what with my crooked teeth and bad gums, and all, you know? And I was a Puritanical Calvinist Christian, you know, who took life so seriously. That joy and happiness stuff was only for Heaven and the sweet by-and-by. I've even used the phrase, "At least they're good for a laugh", in a not so polite way.
But things they are a changing. To my friends who know how to belly laugh, BLESS YOU! To those of you who are GOOD for a laugh, THANK YOU. And oh, the joy of growing old and simply not giving a damn anymore! LIFE, I thank you!
And this morning, Thank you Hilary! If that powerful #8 can laugh like this, why can't I!
Can't you hear her, "Come out of the shadows Sheila! Drop your guard. Get out of your head and drop into your gut and LAUGH, for pete's sake."
LAUGH, LAUGH, LAUGH. Someday you'll catch me with my guard down, my mouth wide open, tears in my eyes, snot running down my nose--LAUGHING all the way home! :)
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