If a woman does not keep pace with her companions,
perhaps it is because she hears a different drummer.
Let her step to the music which she hears, however measured or far away.

Thoreau (with a Conner twist)

All posts (including images and poetry) on this website are copyrighted by Sheila Conner.
Please do not use without permission.
Thank you.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

ECVA National Show Entry, Baptism: Recognition & Return

Wandering like the children of Israel, lost and looking for “home” for nearly 20 years, I finally entered what seemed to be a birthing canal for something new in 2005. Since 2006, I have been working on a series of 4 poems about my rebirthing process. This mandala is an illustration of that time in my life—of being “reborn” into a place that was strange and foreign to me, and finding there, my mother’s face.

Marked as child of the Holy by baptism, at age 7, I have since gone through the flood waters of another baptism that have brought me “home”. The Divine Presence has been faithful as I have followed what seemed for the most part to be a distant longing.

Today I thrive in the arms of Mother. I am home. I am one in myself, one with God, and one with Mother Church.

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