The day started early; I woke up about 5, thinking “Blinded by the Light…”
Here we are in Advent, looking for the Light, and when we find it (or it dawns on us), it can blind us. Makes me grateful for slow sunrises—but even those, at their apex, can blind us. I wrote a very long poem a few years back; I was reflecting on the “born again” experience and comparing it to an actual birth process—imagine coming from the darkness of Mother’s womb into the brightness of this big new world. All I want to do is close my eyes to protect them from the light. Not really sure where these reflections will lead today, but that’s what I woke up thinking about…
Morning prayer: Compel me to know your ways o Love; instruct me upon your path. Ps 25
I had a wonderful drive today. I was surprised, there’s hardly any “boring” strip of land, even from I-10. Beautiful hills, and almost mountains. I finally decided that I really should get off the Interstate, at least for a few minutes, so I detoured to “see” Ft. Lancaster Historical Park—o my gosh, what a beautiful sight.
First of all, I saw a real working Texas oil well,
then a deer, then another. I even had to stop my car for the second, as the 4-point buck bounded across the road, then leapt (with ease) over the fence. Shortly, I saw a sign, “HILL”, and another, “slow to 45”, so I did. And when I rounded the bend, what a beautiful sight I saw, a canyon! I was at the top, and the road was descending to the “fort” at the bottom.
The park wasn’t open yet, but the drive was breathtaking, unexpected, beautiful, miraculous!
Later I took another detour toward the Davis Mountains—not far, just far enough to enjoy the drive. Pulled over, had lunch and pulled out my paper and brushes. I was using Bienfang watercolor brushes, and the red “dumped”, but I loved it anyway. I played with the paints until a bee buzzed into my car, only about 15 minutes, but it was fun.
I arrived in El Paso at a little after 2. I’m just down the block from UTEP, where hubby went to school. It’s been a good day. Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve. It’s taken me two days to get across Texas, and tomorrow I’ll drive through two states in one day! I plan to go to midnight services tomorrow night in Tucson, then on to Pine Christmas day. The weather’s been great – what a gift!