I actually got to stay home all day Thursday and today, so I hit the studio! Might should have cleaned house--could vacuum and mop, but I really wanted to paint. So, guess what won!?!
I loved this song when I first heard it--and sang it--Sunday:
Spirit of truth and love
life giving holy Dove
speed forth Thy light
move on the water's face
bearing the lamp of grace
and in earth's darkest place
let there be light.
I knew Sunday that I wanted to paint that verse; I'm so glad I had time this week to do it. First time I've had the watercolors out in a very very long time. Still not sure I'm through, but close. Had so much fun painting it.
Dear Sheila! Do You believe that angels are right now with You and this letter is coming from Spiritual Heaven? It is not a joke or somebodies crazy idea to make troubles in Your lovely heart.We are as two-in-one-team: angels of Gaia and Maria in human body. This letter is written by her as channelling. It means that all ideas are coming from angels, living all the time in her; because she can´t say "I am writening." Maria as human is Estonian and living all moments in her life for the reason to help angels, to create the new school for all souls on Earth before the Ascension 2012. This school has name "The Tree of Life Education" and already tested during 2 years as pre-angelschool only for Maria and a little for her friends as human. Now she is ready to be as spirit of this school and as angeltherapist and it is time to start to collect the real teammembers all over the world.Today she got a task from angels to find the most of important painting for Facebook page "Maainglite sõnumileht," which You can translate as "Message for Angels on Earth." Then she was guided to ask Your permisssion to use Your wonderful painting "Life Giving Holy Dove"as welcome-message for others, as first view on this environment, which we call shortly MIS. We don´t want to ask to demonstrate only Your painting. We would like to see You as teammember, but at first we say that please come to see by Yourself this page and walk around until You see the letter "Virtual Angelschool project." All videos and letters are there for the reason but the real project as demo will be done only with all avatars, who made before this lifetime soulcontract with God, have to wake up now and to do what they have to. You are welcome, can ask everything what You need for understanding the story, but You are free to make a decision. Please don´t worry about language, because everything is not in Estonian and if You are ready to work with us, we´ll find the translator. With love, Maria&angels