If a woman does not keep pace with her companions,
perhaps it is because she hears a different drummer.
Let her step to the music which she hears, however measured or far away.

Thoreau (with a Conner twist)

All posts (including images and poetry) on this website are copyrighted by Sheila Conner.
Please do not use without permission.
Thank you.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Edge

(On one side of the path, ecstasy, on the other
dull grief... Walking)

They say there are at least two sides to every story,
two sides to the coin--

but there is a third,
the Edge,

Black, white
Joy, sorrow
Happy, sad
Knowing, not knowing
Gain, loss
Love, fear
Anger, release
Dark, light
Have, have not
Past, future

So, perhaps this is the trick?
To give up living on the Edge between
and drop into the vast space of the present moment?
The Now?
What Holy Scripture calls, "Today"?

I seem to waffle so,
and find myself wavering, tossed to and fro
like a leaf in the wind.

It seems the Edge narrows this time of year
and becomes razor thin.

Thoughts turn to prayer:

"Grant me grace enough to fall into the vast present moment of Today,
where there is room enough breathe and simply remember,

'Safe am I'."

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